17 Uniform of Protectorate Gendarmerie Sergeant 1st Class, 1942

17 Uniform of Protectorate Gendarmerie Sergeant 1st Class, 1942

The gendarmerie uniforms from 1939–1945 differ from the pre-war ones with a different insignia on the headwear and the motif of crossed rifles on the buttons, instead of the original initials CS. Otherwise, the typical appearance of the gendarmes remained almost unchanged. The rank insignia of the constable is placed on the shoulder straps and the number of the respective provincial command, in this case the Arabic numeral 1 for Bohemia, is placed on the collar in addition to the insignia.

An interesting feature of the jacket is that it is made from the reverse side of the fabric. This was quite common, especially during the war, even in civilian clothing. The fabric, which had become worn and unsightly, was turned inside out and re-sewn to resemble the original garment. This gave the garment a new look and saved the owner the cost of new fabric. The fronts turned inside out are heavily patched on the sewn buttonholes of the right front.



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