02 Saddle with Pistol Holsters and Pair of Wheellock Pistols, Austria, 2nd half of the 17th century

02 Saddle with Pistol Holsters and Pair of Wheellock Pistols, Austria, 2nd half of the 17th century

The displayed saddle from the 17th century is rather massive, adapted for a rider carrying armour. At that time, the main striking force on the battlefields were cuirassiers, who were clad in three-quarter plate armour, and their heads were covered with helmets. In addition to the sword, they also used pistols, as evidenced by two cases, called holsters.

The riding saddle is of wooden construction with a distinctive metal decorated pear and a massive rear spreader bar to provide the rider with support and stability. The saddle is covered with leather, the seat and the middle part of the sides with velvet, originally red in colour, decorated with simple red embroidery. The upper sides include two pieces of leather which are nailed to the wooden structure with decorative nails; the edges of the leather around the seat are decoratively cut into the shape of lobes. On the underside of the saddle are two padded cushions made of burlap and four straps

Together with the saddle, two holsters for riding pistols with wheel locks have been preserved. They are of wooden construction and are covered with leather and velvet (parts of the holsters) just like the saddle.



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