02 Uniform of Warrant Officer Jiří SCHAMS (1972–2015), 2015

02 Uniform of Warrant Officer Jiří SCHAMS (1972–2015), 2015

He was born in Prague, where he attended the Na Pražačce Grammar School in 1987–1991. In April 1992, he joined the ZVS company and then worked for the Municipal Police in Prague and later for a private security and detective agency. On 2 July 1997, he became a conscripted soldier and participated in an SFOR operation abroad as a member of the 6th Mechanised Battalion. In 1998–1999, he served as a training squad leader at the 123rd Training Centre of the 12th Military Training and Mobilisation Base. In October 1999, he was transferred to the 6th Special Brigade (now 601st Skss) in Prostějov, where he served as station commander of the special reconnaissance group and later a diver. In December 2002, he was transferred to the Military Police as a Senior Inspector of the 1st Department of Mobile Forces of the Military Police Headquarters in Prague. After the formation of the SOG, he first became Senior Inspector of the 3rd Strike Group, and later Senior Instructor of the 2nd Strike Group. Between 2003 and 2005 he participated in four operations in Kuwait and Iraq and in 2006 also in a KFOR operation. In October 2007 he went to Afghanistan (ISAF operation) as a Senior Instructor of the Special Operations Group of the 2nd Contingent of the Czech Armed Forces SOG. On 17 March 2008, he was seriously injured in an attack by a suicide bomber in the town of Grishk. For the next almost seven years he bravely fought against adversity. He died after a short and severe illness in the Military University Hospital in Prague. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of Staff Warrant Officer in memoriam. He was laid to his final rest in the cemetery near the crematorium in Prague-Strašnice.


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