System: Constitutional monarchy
Head of state: King George V
Land: 30,402,262 square kilometres (including colonies)
Population: 422,731,661 (including colonies)
Military expenditures: Approx. 30 % of the total state expenditures
Military forces during peacetime: 724,189 men
Entry into the war: 4 August 1914 on the side of the Entente
Total mobilised by the end of the war: 7,000,000 men
British soldiers entered the European theatre of war wearing stiff peaked caps, later replaced with practical soft headwear. The model 1902 jacket was made of brownish-green woollen cloth. The practical cut with four pockets sewn on the top was reinforced in the stressed shoulder area. The model 1902 trousers were made of the same material as the jacket. They had a straight cut and were tightened in the calf with wool wraps. The only equipment worn was a leather ammunition bandolier, model 1903.