04 Mace, Central Europe, 15th century

04 Mace, Central Europe, 15th century

The mace as a striking weapon began to appear more frequently during the 13th century, when the use of plate armour became widespread. This weapon with an iron, steel, or in some cases bronze pommel had a greater chance of piercing the armour than a sword. In the Middle Ages, the mace was used by both infantrymen and mounted knights. At the height of the Middle Ages, the mace was already predominantly a cavalry weapon. Unlike the relatively simple maces of the 14th century, the following century saw a wide variety of shapes, clearly influenced by the artistic movements of the time.

In the 16th century, the mace gradually began to disappear from the armaments of the armoured horseman. The only exceptions were parts of Central and Eastern Europe, where constant wars with the armies of Islam prolonged the life of the mace as a weapon. However, in the Czech lands, the mace is mainly associated with Hussite warriors. In the hands of governors, the mace was not so much a weapon as a badge of command authority. The mace as a symbol of sovereignty was typical of the Middle Ages throughout Europe and men armed with them enjoyed special significance and dignity.

Length 450 mm, weight 780 g.



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