This Prussian infantry rifle has a lock plate marked “POTZDAM MAGAZ/S. et D.”. It was produced in the Potsdam factory, established in 1722 under the direction of Splittberger and Daun, whose initials „S et D“ were used on the weapons produced until 1774. On the grip of the stock is a brass plate with the monogram of King Friedrich Wilhelm (FWR = Friedrich Wilhelm Rex), reigning from 1713–1740. In civilian weapons, this plate usually bears the monogram of the owner of the weapon. The marking on military weapons has the same meaning, as the armies were owned by the monarch. The buttstock has a shape typical of Prussian military rifles of this period.
Length 1,545 mm, barrel length 1,150 mm, calibre 19 mm, weight 4,712 g.