05 War Axe, 2nd half of 15th century

05 War Axe, 2nd half of 15th century

A specific type of infantry war axe from the second half of the 15th century is a weapon combined with a hammer, referred to as Mordaxt in German. The approximately triangular blade with a straight edge had concave-curved inner sides. At the opposite end of the socket was a rectangular hammer, drawn into a regular low point for striking blows. These weapons, often supplemented with vertical and lateral spikes, are considered by experts to be of French origin, but were also used in large numbers by Swiss infantry during the 15th century.

This specimen of a war axe has a blade with three groups of rings inlaid with copper, attached on an edged wooden staff with side-straps; the functional surface of the hammer has four rows of ten spikes and a central copper band. There is a square point on the octagonal neck in the axis of the staff. Two more square prongs protrude from the side of the socket between the axe and the hammer.

Length 2 074 mm, axe blade length 213 mm, tip length 181 mm, weight 2 120 g.



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