08 Peaked Morion, Italy, c. 1590

08 Peaked Morion, Italy, c. 1590

One of the most widespread helmets of the 16th and 17th centuries was the morion, used mainly by mercenary infantry troops. According to the shape, two basic types of morions exist: peaked and combed. The combed morion has a spherical skull shape with a pronounced comb, the size of which, as in the case of the assault helmet, varied over its development. The lower edge of the skull is lined with a brim which runs out in front and behind with a curve in the tip. On the other hand, the peaked morion lacks a comb altogether; the skull is conical in shape and usually has a sharp spur at the top, curving backwards. It evolved from the Spanish version of the infantry iron hat. Used by infantry, halberdiers, court guards and mounted arquebusiers, the morion remained in use until the end of the 17th century. It is still part of the armament of the Pontifical Swiss Guard at the Vatican.

In addition to simple morions for the rank and file infantry, richly decorated specimens were also produced for the bodyguards of rulers and high nobility, or as part of splendid noble armour.

The presented morion is richly decorated with etched and partially gilded decorations of floral, figural and geometric ornaments with a predominant motif of military trophies.

Length 375 mm, width 254 mm, height 318 mm, weight 1 250 g.



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