11 Czechoslovak Transmitter RM32V created by the Reconstruction of the German Transmitter 10W.Sc., 1940s

11 Czechoslovak Transmitter RM32V created by the Reconstruction of the German Transmitter 10W.Sc., 1940s

In the first post-war years, the communication material was replenished namely by the continuing wartime production of home industry and by the acquisition of the communication means of Soviet, British and American origin, which increased the type variety even more. The effort to unify our armament with that of the Red Army, anchored in the Košice Government Programme, was quite illusory for the Signal Corps at the turn of the fortieth and fiftieth. In 1949, the Land Forces inventory registered 5,800 pieces of various types of radio apparatus. Only 10% of them were Soviet or Anglo-American systems. Czechoslovak Army took over about 80 types of German communication equipment for all command levels. The trophy equipment was adapted for the use of Czechoslovak signal units by repainting the panels and by riveting on the Czech identification plates. Soviet, British and American designs were represented only by about tenth of the types. The extensive variety of types was accompanied by permanent problems in training as well as in logistic provision of spare parts and components. The problematic ability of coordination between the units equipped by radio apparatus of quite various proveniences represented the largest limitation.


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